Custom Architectural
Ann designs and etches all types and styles of architectural glass windows, shower doors, entryways: doors, side-lights and transom windows, pantry doors, antique glass replacement and much more.
She works with you to achieve all the elements that are important for your special custom design.
Privacy panels allow a limited view into the interior without restricting light and adding beauty and elegance.
Ann has been designing and creating custom architectural glass since 1978.
Custom quality etching includes;
Working with the client to create a design of the size and specific preferences to not only address the aesthetic wishes but address privacy needs as well.
All pricing is determined by the style of etching on the square foot of etched area.
Prices start at;
$35 per square foot for solid privacy etching w/ no design
$125 per square foot for designs in the positive
$150 for etching in the negative, the background is solid etched, usually for privacy applications.
Design Time; $65 per hour fee will be added design work.
Please contact us for more information.